Welcome to Ianus


Venezia, or better known in English as Venice, is a magical city located in Italy.  It's known for its canals and masks making it a great place for everything to take place.  This is a part of the Ianus--our world--and is where Aless, Giuseppe and Stefano are from.  To Caravaggio, this is untame land that is below them, but little do they know that at one time both worlds were one.  Nobody knows how but it is theoried that either the great wizard Merlin or the enchantress Morgana split the worlds.  There are many similarities between the two but Venezia--Ianus--has excelled beyond belief in such areas as weapons for they have the gun.

Welcome to Rhea


Prometheus only belongs to those who are of fire.  For many generations, this is the kingdom that is ruled by elementals who have learned to tame the wild flames that had seemed so deadly at one time.  Here, the capitol city was Vulcan at one time.  It is where Fireheart, the Human Marionette and Maestro come from.  Yet it seems like another life when they lived here because Caravaggio conquered their home wiping out everybody because unlike others Prometheans hold strong to their lifestyle and culture.  They all worship the god Vulcan who is of fire, too.  Now the kingdom is left behind in ruin and is where Caravaggio sends people who have been exhiled.  There are prophecies that the king of this place has also surived and someday will lead a rebel army aganist Caravaggio before taking the throne of Prometheus for the people exist somewhere out there even though it is believed that they are all dead.  Of course, this is just a silly tale that is slowly dying away.


Caravaggio was once known as Jupiter and was the richest land.  Some of the people thought it was meant for the gods and therefore, was left untouched until Caravaggio rose to power.  After conquering many nations, he decided to build his castle in the midst of all of them renaming the land after him.  There he had his castle constructed on a mountain top after faerie tale stories instead of the popular mythology.  In addition to this, he had many strange sights from all over the land collected in one area.  This is where he resides along with his brother Remus or Remy as many know him as.


Aquarius belongs to those of water.  They are the sworn enemies of Prometheus but this is from a time before Caravaggio took the throne.  For many generations, this kingdom was ruled by elementals who learned how to control water.  Very few of them are even able to turn water to ice no matter what the weather may be.  Here, the capitol was once Neptune and it is where Massimo hails from.  Him and his family come from here.  Neptune was the beautiful city by the sea that was eaten by waves after Caravaggio took control of the land.


Gaia is the land where those who speak to the Earth roam.  Except this race have been dying out for ages.  Every year less and less Earth Tamers are born.  But unlike Prometheus and Aquarius, those who are born with abilities are not male.  They are female.  Here is the Queendom ruled over by the Bianchini family with Princess Ilaria in head.  This land has decreased through the years as Caravaggio conquered his land with Massimo.  But Prince Remus begged that Ilaria own some land for he had fallen in love with her.  The capitol city, Aremis is all that is left of Gaia and is the only land that Princess Ilaria Bianchini rules over.


Eosphorus is known as the land of the shapeshifters.  Years ago they were exiled from kingdoms/queendoms into the frozen tundras of Eosphorus where they created their own way of life.  For many years while Caravaggio declared war on everybody else he left this tundra alone.  And to this day, he has yet to consider to conquer it leaving the people safe under the rule of King Samuel Wolf.